Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Charlie!!!

Thank you to our friends for celebrating this very special occassion with us. The Lord has blessed us and we praise Him for these precious moments in our lives. Charlie told us that his day was "Awesome!" He loves his presents and thanks you for the gifts. We hope you all had a great time!
Love Always, The Stemmers

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Sammy!!

I am in awe of how fast time flies.
Our little baby boy will be 2 next week. The Lord has blessed us and continues to do so.
I am ashamed at how long its been since I've blogged. Sorry friends.We finally finished our
addition. We are poor now, but living comfortably. :)
The twins are almost 9 months old and doing great. Justin is sweet and quiet and Jayden is funny, but super high maintanence. They are adorable.
There is a picture of all 4 boys with my mom.

And ofcourse Charlie is still Charlie. A little Jeannine. He sings as loud as he can - whines (like his mommy) and is so stinkin' cute! HEEHEE.

I'll post some more pics soon - I promise.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Charlie turns 4!!!

Then Now

It's amazing how time flies. Our little baby boy is 4! Children are the most amazing blessings. Each day is treasured with our boys and we are so grateful to the Lord for these special gifts.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Summer 2008

Well, I guess I wasn't as good of a blogger this summer as I thought I would be.
I guess since the house is STILL under construction its been a little crazy. I have officially not had a kitchen for 3 months. However, I have to admit, that I have enjoyed my time off with the boys and have been truly blessed with a great summer. After losing my uncle last summer, having a good summer was very refreshing.

My nephews Justin and Jayden left the hospital on July 19. They were exactly 2 months old. Jaimy is going crazy, but those boys have been a true testament to God's great work.

Charlie and Sammy are growing and developing the most unique and adorable personalities. Charlie is soooo much like me that it scares me. God is getting me back for everything that I put my mother through, but he is still loving and sweet all the same. Sammy is very mischievous. He loves to push your buttons, but wins your heart so easily that you forget his crazy antics.

Here is a video.. hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Our Nephews!! Jayden & Justin

On Monday, May 19th at 7:46 and 7:47 PM we welcomed Jayden and Justin into our family.
My sister, Jaimy, was only 26 weeks pregnant when the twins were born.
(pictured;Justin top photo, Jayden bottom photo)
Justin, the oldest was 2lbs 13 inches and Jayden was 1lb14oz and 13 inches.
They are so tiny and will need lots and lots of care, but we trust in an awesome God who knows how many hairs are on their tiny little heads.

Please keep these little blessings in your prayers as we embark on a long but hopeful journey.
They are doing as well as to be expected.

Charlie and Sam are very proud cousins and can't wait to see the babies, but they will have to wait a long time.
To all my fellow bloggers...I am so sorry for the delay. I know I have been a bad blogger, but I hope to pick it up again as things slow down this summer.
Here are a couple of pics to catch you up on the loves of my life.

Here is Sammy at 15 months old.

Here is Charlie at the Mother's Day Breakfast at school. They put on a little show for the moms.

Please keep us all in your prayers!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Ode to Jill

My little Jilly was lost on January 20. She got out like she usually does, however this time she was not wearing her tag and she did not return. Despite our efforts in looking everywhere and posting signs she has not been found. My hopes are that she is being taken care of by another family.

Jilly was my birthday present from Scott in 2000. He new I wanted a lap dog and Jilly fit the bill. I had gotten Jack for Scott as a wedding present and what better name went with Jack than Jill. She is greatly missed and will never be forgotten.

We have been sad, but Jack has taken the biggest hit. He hadn't eaten for days so we decided that to help mend our broken hearts and give Jack another little pal we adopted a new little family member.

Unfortunately I gave Charlie the go ahead to name her. "mommy her name is PrinCESS."
Yes, he exagerates the last part of her name.

Princess has only been with us one day, but I think she will do fine. She is great with the boys and absolutely adores Jack. Jack is still a little skeptical, but he will adjust.

It's funny how we spend so much time, money and emotions on animals. But I think that God gave us dogs so that we can enjoy His creation and learn from them. With Jill I learned responsibilty and loyalty, and I thank God for the time that I had with her.